Cyberlaw is a law that is used in the cyber world (virtual world), which is commonly associated with the Internet. Cyberlaw is needed because the base or foundation of law in many countries is the "time and space". Meanwhile, the Internet and computer networks to push the limits of space and time.Examples of the problems associated with loss of time and space, among others:A computer criminals (cracker) Indonesian nationality, was in Australia, rummaging through servers in the United States, which occupied (hosting) a UK company. Which law will be used to prosecute crimes such cracker? Examples of cases that may be related is the Indonesian hacker caught in Singapore due to cracking against a server company in Singapore. He was tried with Singapore law because it all happened to be in Singapore.The domain name (. Com,. Net,. Org,. Id,. Sg, and so on) at first did not have any value. However, the development of the Internet, the domain name is the identity of the company. Even as dominant companies that use the Internet domain. "Com" so that such companies are often called the company "dotcom". The selection of the domain names are often berbernturan a trademark, the name of a famous person, and so on. An example is the domain registration by one who is not Julia Roberts. (Finally, the court decided the real Julia Roberts won.) Existence of global trade, WTO, WIPO, and others make the problems become increasingly murky. Trademark become global.(Tax) is also one of a fairly complicated issue. In transactions by multi-national, which tax will be used? As the above example, the server is in the U.S., owned by the Dutch, and buyers from Russia. What about taxes? Is it necessary taxed? There is a proposal from the government of the United States, where taxes on products delivered (delivery) through the Internet does not have to be taxed. These products are commonly known as "digitalized products", ie products that can be digital-right, such as music, movies, software, and books. Goods that are physically delivered conventionally and through customs, it is proposed is subject to tax.What about the legal status of digital money as CyberCash? Who can issue digital money?The development of communication and computer technologies are changing so rapidly that the basic patterns and business. For that cyberlaw is best addressed by people from diverse backgrounds (academics, experts TekInfo, technical, legal, business, and government)than sholud be like this to: Cyberlaw is a law that is used in the cyber world (virtual world), which is commonly associated with the Internet. Cyberlaw is needed because the base or foundation of law in many countries is the "time and space". Meanwhile, the Internet and computer networks to push the limits of space and time.Cyber Law is also defined as a set of laws and regulations governing human activities in cyberspace (with the use of information technology). Cyber Law itself is a term derived from Cyberspace. Cyberspace Kubernan stems from the Latin word meaning master or reach. Because of "cyberspace" that will be the object or the concern of "cyber law".The scope of Cyber Law covers copyright, trademark, libel / defamation, hacking, viruses, illegal access, privacy, criminal liability, procedural issues (Jurisdiction, Investigation, Evidence, etc.), electronic contracts, pornography, robbery, consumer protection and others.Development of Cyber Law in Indonesia itself can not be said to be developed. This is caused by the prevalence of internet users have in Indonesia. Unlike the United States who use the Internet have to facilitate all aspects of their lives. Therefore, the development of cyber laws in the United States was already very advanced.Fundamental grounding in the legal aspects governing Internet traffic as a special law, where there are major components to cover the existing problems in the virtual dunai, namely:· Jurisdictions legal and related aspects.This component is to analyze and determine the validity of the law and apply in the virtual world.· The foundation uses the internet as a means to conduct free speech related to the responsibility of delivering, aspects of accountability, responsibility in providing online services and Internet service providers (internet provider), and legal responsibility for the education provider through the Internet.· Aspects of intellectual property where there are aspects of patent, trademark secrets that are applied, and prevail in the cyber world.· Aspects of confidentiality guaranteed by the applicable laws of each jurisdiction in the country of origin of those who use or make use of the virtual world as part of a system or mechanism services they do.· Legal aspects that ensure the safety of any user of the internet.· Provisions legal aspects of ownership in formulating the internet as part of the value of the investment can be calculated according to the PRINCIPLE-finance or accounting principles.· Aspects of the law that gives the legalization of the internet as part of a trade or business venture.Based on the above factors, then we will be able to conduct an assessment to justify the extent of the laws governing the development of the system and mechanism of the Internet in Indonesia. Although it can not be said to be uneven, but the development of the Internet in Indonesia has a very high acceleration and has a number of customers or those who use the Internet have increased since the half year 90s.
One indicator to see how the application of the law of the internet is needed in Indonesia is by many companies which provides internet service users in Indonesia. Companies that provide services provider in the Indonesian consciously or not a party is very important role in promoting the development of Cyber Law in Indonesia where the functions they do like:· Agreement internet customer account application;· Agreements commercial manufacture home page design;· Agreement reseller data placement on the Internet server;· Offerings selling commercial products over the internet;· Providing information that is updated every day by a commercial home page;· Provision of opinion or poll online through the internet.The functions above are factors and measures that can be classified as an action relating to the application of cyber law in Indonesia. Therefore it is better in the subsequent developments, any internet service providers or users can be assured. Then the law of the internet needs to be developed and studied as a discipline that has its own laws in Indonesia.
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